Friday, January 22, 2021

Leftwing Science Denial

 We know what happens when a conservative expresses doubt that the climate is getting warmer or that man-made CO2 is the problem. Leftists call him a "science denier" and cancel him on the Internet. But what happens when a man denies biological science by declaring he's a woman "trapped in a man's body." 

I'll tell you what happens. All of a sudden everyone on the left side of the aisle suddenly declares the person now to be a woman despite his five o'clock shadow, XY chromosomes, formidable male member, and inability to bear children. If a 6-foot, 200-pound guy with a three-day beard wants to mingle in the girl's locker room, hey no problem.  Many on the left also think it's only right that that big guys get to knock around the other players in women's soccer or run them down in women's track. 

I have no problem with guys wearing dresses, lipstick, and perfume. I wouldn't marry one but they have the right to dress the way they want. My problem is when they expect me to say I believe that they are really women. When it comes to cognitive dissonance that is just a bridge too far. I don't believe people who tell me they are Napoleon or Jesus Christ and I don't believe guys who tell me they are girls. It's not sexism. It's common sense. And anyone who denies it is no more scientific than someone who denies climate change.  

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